Diversity and Inclusion

The UW Boise Psychiatry Residency program condemns racism in all forms and stands by the American Psychiatric Association’s position on racial discrimination. You can read the entire APA statement here: APA Resolution Against Racism and Racial Discrimination

The American Psychiatric Association:

  1. Supports current and future actions to eliminate racism and racial discrimination by fostering a respectful appreciation of multiculturalism, diversity, and efforts of greater inclusion
  2. Encourages mental health professionals to be mindful of the existence and impact of racism and racial discrimination in the lives of patients and their families, in clinical encounters, and in the development of mental health services.
  3. Supports member and public education on impacts of racism and racial discrimination, advocacy for equitable mental health services for all patients, and further research into the impacts of racism and racial discrimination as an important public mental health issue.
  4. Recognizes the detrimental effects that racism has on the mental health of people of color and supports policies and laws which would reduce further harm

Authors: Council on Minority Mental Health and Health Disparities Paradies Y., Ben J., Denson N., Elias A., Priest N., Pieterse A., et al. (2015) Racism as a determinant of health: A systematic review and metaanalysis. PLoS ONE 10(9):